GDI Fuel Injectors Flow Testing and Reconditioning

The Injector Shop is very proud to announce the acquisition of precision test equipment that will allow us to properly flow test and recondition GDI fuel injectors for our valued customers.

With GDI systems becoming more prevalent in the market we have made the decision to invest in precision computerized test equipment that safely and accurately tests GDI systems at actual operating conditions, and measure the results against OEM test parameters. 

We have been servicing GDI injectors for a few years now using our GDI capable port injectors flow bench, and have learned a lot about how GDI injectors work, but the testing is not performed at actual operating conditions. Port fuel injector benches like ours can be fitted with electronics that can drive the GDI fuel injectors, but they cannot safely or accurately test at operating pressures which can be in the 3000PSI range. Good port injector benches will typically test GDI injectors at between 100-145 PSI, which is no where near the operating pressure of the system, so it's really only an educated guess as to how the GDI injector is actually working.

We have decided to take the guess work out of our service and replace it with 100% accurate results. Our new equipment will not only test at operating pressures against OEM injector number specific test plans, it will provide those test results in a very easy to read color coded report that can be made available digitally, or old school print.

We anticipate being up and running with this new equipment later this fall or early winter (2021). Watch out for further updates that will come.




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